Saturday, June 28, 2008

Sony Ericsson w380c Games reviews

Now, I come to my most favorite part. Games! I am a gaming freak and like playing mobile games when I don't have a PC handy. Thinking of going over to some boring relative's house and wondering how you would survive those few hours? Look no further than your pocket. The W380 has three games pre-included in it. Extreme Air SnowBoarding (the name is self-explanatory) , QuadraPop (its a sort of Tetris game) and finally the best: Sims 2 for mobile (I had never played this on PC and I started this game with a bit of skepticism as I was never into Strategy games. But within 5 minutes, I was hooked and I simply couldn't decide when to stop playing it as the game is continuous like real life. After an hour, when I became conscious that I have a family also, I decided that I would stay away from the Games section to preserve my sanity.) As expected the sound clarity during games is also very good. Now, I am wondering whether I should download and play God Of War: Betrayal on this.

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